Team Energiewende Bayern
As a best-practice example of an innovative approach to shaping the future of energy, pebbles was honored as a “Gestalter im Team Energiewende Bayern” by Bavaria’s Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Roland Weigert. During a visit of the Energy Campus in Wildpoldsried, he learned about our research project, which has potential for a cost-optimized and accelerated energy transition.
Since 2019, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs has been awarding the prize to selected projects and players who contribute to the success of the decentralized energy future in Bavaria with innovative ideas. The aim is to motivate like-minded people to imitate, to show the diversity of lighthouse projects and to advance the energy transition. The selection is made by Minister of State Aiwanger.
After the municipality of Fuchstal, the cooperative Bürger für Bürger Energie e.G. and the participants of the Schornhof solar park, pebbles is the fourth designer in Team Energiewende Bayern. Wildpoldsried is the perfect location for this project, Weigert emphasized the achievements of the small municipality in the Allgäu: “They are real energy pioneers.”