European Utility Week 2019 - Paris
At the stand of the Smart Service World II at the European Utility Week in Paris, the consortium presented the project pebbles.
As part of the Summit, pebbles was invited to present itself in the “Democratising Energy” section. With pebbles, the CEO of Allgäuer Überlandwerk Michael Lucke was able to present the research project to interested listeners from all over the world. After the presentation, Areti Ntaradimou (Clarion Energy) and Arjan Haring (JADS) moderated the exciting panel discussion with Stanislas d’Herbemont (REScoop.eu), Nikolaos Chatziargyriou (ETIP SNET), Roberto Zangrandi (EDSO), Simon de Clercq (EU Islands Secretariat ), Nikolas Katsoulakos (TUA) and Michael Lucke (AÜW).
In addition to the Summit program, project manager of AÜW Joachim Klaus was invited for a hub session to give a talk about “Designing a local energy market” and to participate in the discussion “Disrupting the Energy Markets”.